

100 followers, wow! I'm glowing with it, holding in my hands the CRYPT and all of its holiness. Wind rattling on my back, American baseball victory in my lungs the way I shine. I started ANCIENTCRYPT as a feeble attempt to make a shrine out of my identity in the atomic collateral of a breakup, feeling for old CSS knowledge from the years where I was a teenage disciple of ancient blog infrastructure and rudimentary digital scripts while life began to make sense for me again. I never expected it would grow to this degree. I'd like to name a couple of websites that inspired the spelunking of the CRYPT

c00lzone / laika / combatbaby / ita / kidwiththechemicalz / ribose / pomelo / princss / internetbasedghosts / fairygore  / brawlersworld / beowulfe / pluto22 / cyberdemon / anlucas / dreamcult + bluemoonfalls, pd187, tarman, zazilicious, orloktopia, trashparadise, spiritcellar, doffy, pameluft, howsoonisnow, tmtyl, girl wonderlost, masonworld & femmeonearth (BADDIEWORLD), wavecompany, ret2monster, diptyquer and more!!!

ANCIENTCRYPT is a swamp-logged tomb and a digital bunker entrenched within the internet.


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the suburbs

Velvet Blue

in progress!

reliquary is The current mood of reliquarier at

webrings & cliques

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no ai webring previous random next a bluegreen rectangle showing the words the NO AI webring, with NO AI being written by a fountain pen, all in the style of 16 bit Windows 95 icons. to either side are two equally Windows-95-style cursors pointing left and right, softly bouncing up and down. in between it all is a small black question mark